
你对网络安全的来龙去脉着迷吗? 您想了解如何预防和检测威胁和漏洞吗, 以及如何应对漏掉的问题?

Both seasoned information technology students and newcomers to the field can get started through AACC’s 网络安全,网络和数字取证部. AACC is the first community college in the country to be certified 由 National 安全 Administration.


AACC提供以下应用科学副学士学位(A.A.S.)学位. 马里兰州指的是A.A.S. 作为一个职业学位,因为它旨在为你提供进入劳动力市场的技能. 在某些情况下, AACC has entered into transfer agreements that allow these degrees to transfer to select colleges. A 现行协议一览表 可以在这个网站上找到吗. 您还可以了解更多关于 转移 继续你的学业.


The digital forensics concentration prepares you with skills to enter the workforce by performing forensic investigations, 处理事故及进行事故调查. You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to execute forensic investigations of 网络s, 主机和移动设备, 包括使用标准的计算机取证和证据处理技术来收集, 过程, 审查, 分析和制作电子证据. The program fully maps to the eight knowledge domains currently specified 由 Department of 防卫网络犯罪中心(DC3) and fully prepares students for the Magnet Certified Forensic Examiner (MCFE) exam. 完成高级数字取证证书后, students are eligible for DoD/DC3 National Centers of 数字取证 Academic Excellence (CDFAE) program certificates. The program objectives also support the CompTIA网络+和CompTIA安全+认证, 但不提供认证考试培训或认证测试.

如果你有兴趣转到四年制大学, AACC有以下协议,以确保该学位的直接转换:

  • 马里兰大学全球校区,网络安全技术学位
  • 史蒂文森大学,网络安全和数字取证学位
  • Excelsior学院,信息技术学位


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网络的重点是为你的职业生涯做好准备, 维修和管理本地和广域网. The program incorporates a study of data communication fundamentals together with an in-depth study of current 网络ing architectures and protocols. Client/server and peer 网络s are studied together with hands-on laboratory time working with Microsoft, UNIX/LINUX和Cisco系统. 该计划目标支持CCNA(认证思科网络管理员), CompTIA网络+和CompTIA安全+认证, 但不提供认证考试培训或认证测试.

如果你有兴趣转到四年制大学, AACC有以下协议,以确保该学位的直接转换:

  • 马里兰大学全球校区,网络安全技术学位
  • 史蒂文森大学,网络安全和数字取证学位
  • Excelsior学院,信息技术学位


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The security concentration prepares you for entry-level careers in information assurance and cybersecurity. Computer security and information assurance concepts are augmented with current industry practices and tools. 主题涵盖威胁和漏洞, 技术(硬件和软件)和人员层面的预防, 检测, 安全方面的响应和管理. The curriculum is a validated program of study 由 National 安全 Agency as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. The program objectives also support the CompTIA网络+和CompTIA安全+认证, 但不提供认证考试培训或认证测试.

如果你有兴趣转到四年制大学, AACC有以下协议,以确保该学位的直接转换:

  • 马里兰大学全球校区,网络安全技术学位
  • 史蒂文森大学,网络安全和数字取证学位
  • Excelsior学院,信息技术学位


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This certificate program provides you the knowledge and skills necessary to execute 电脑 forensic investigations, 包括使用标准的计算机取证和证据处理技术来收集, 过程, 审查, 分析和制作电子证据. 完成数字取证高级证书后, students are awarded the Digital Media Collector and Digital Media Examiner certificates sponsored 由 DC3 National Centers of 数字取证 Academic Excellence program. 本项目建议事先接受技术培训或有相关经验.

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You will develop the hands-on skills and knowledge to protect 电脑 网络s including the design and implementation of firewalls, id, 无线安全, 密码学, Linux安全、Windows安全. In addition to 网络 security fundamentals, you will learn valuable defense and countermeasures.

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Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)准备

您将学习如何安装, 配置, 操作和排除中型路由器和交换网络的故障. 原则包括基本减轻安全威胁, 介绍无线网络的概念和动手, 基于绩效的技能. The certificate objectives support the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification 但不提供认证考试培训或认证测试.

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规划,实施,验证和解决本地和广域企业网络的问题. 在这个证书课程中, you will learn advanced IP addressing and routing in implementing scalable and highly secure Cisco routers that are connected to LANs, 广域网和IPv6. 计划, 配置 and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions that use the Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture. 对复杂的企业路由和交换网络进行规划和定期维护. Use technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform 网络 troubleshooting.

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该证书使您能够管理典型的UNIX/LINUX系统安装, 包括管理网络, 用户, 安全性和脚本.

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你将学习计算机系统和网络的基本故障排除, 深入了解TCP/IP, 具备Cisco ISO和配置Cisco路由器的经验. 该计划目标支持CompTIA网络+, 前年安全+, 和CCENT(思科认证入门网络技术员)认证, 但不提供认证考试培训或认证测试. 如果您有兴趣,请致电410-777-2442与证书协调员联系.

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This certificate program is intended for students with previous technical training or experience. 您将学习执行计算机取证调查所需的技能, 包括使用标准的计算机取证和证据处理技术来收集, 过程, 审查, 分析和制作电子证据.

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You will gain the skills and knowledge required to 配置 LAN and WAN 网络s and to understand the basics of 网络 cybersecurity theory and operation.

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您将学习如何支持和维护系统的完整性, 软件, 网络, 与Windows和Linux服务器操作直接相关的存储设备和数据. 您将开发系统和网络管理功能,如安装, 集成, 记录和维护软件, 固件, 电脑, 网络和存储系统, 开发和用户环境, 协助系统用户,管理用户账号, 并执行技术文档和工艺工程功能.

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如果你有兴趣获得四年制学位,并想学习这门学科, 迁移学习可能是你的解决方案. 这个独特的学位旨在让你选择一个专注的领域(或专业)。, 同时完成马里兰州的通识教育要求.


迁移研究,A.A. allows you to explore different subjects or concentrate on a specific course plan that will best meet your in-state (and even some out-of-state) transfer goals. 如果你想转到一个特定的项目或学校, 我们的顾问之一可以帮助你专门为这个目的组织AACC学习. 结果? You get a well-rounded associate degree preparing you for further studies and successful career. 

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毕业生 of AACC’s degree and certificate programs may continue to 4-year programs or enter the workforce. 职业选择包括:

  • 安全 specialist (general and in applications, operating systems and information assurance)
  • 网络和数据安全经理
  • 局域网系统管理
  • 网络管理员
  • 计算机取证调查员

有关特定职业的前景信息,请访问 美国劳工统计局职业前景手册.




AACC是指定的 国家网络防御学术卓越中心(CAE-CD) 美国国家安全局和美国.S. 是国土安全部的一部分 学术卓越中心 在网络安全社区. The purpose of CAE-CD is to encourage two-year colleges to grow and strengthen their cybersecurity programs.



AACC是全国第一个被指定为a 国家数字取证学术卓越中心防卫网络犯罪中心(DC3). CDFAE is the academic component of a partnership with government to create standards and best practices for digital forensics practitioners, 教育工作者和研究者. The goal of the program is to increase the number of qualified digital forensics professionals.




The Information Assurance and 网络安全 (Associate of Applied Science) program is accredited 由 Computing 认证 Commission (CAC) of 教唆. 教唆 accreditation provides assurance that our degree program meets the quality standards for preparing graduates in the cybersecurity profession.



  • 在网络安全或数字取证行业成功就业
  • Have a professional development plan in cybersecurity or digital forensics to increase knowledge and capabilities



信息保障与网络安全,副学士学位: 2019 2020 20212022
数字取证 93 102 83 62
网络 93 83 80 86
安全 235 207 195 190


信息保障与网络安全,副学士学位: 2019 2020 20212022
数字取证 14 17 38 26
网络 17 34 20 17
安全 58 47 56 52



网络安全,网络和数字取证 department representatives meet biannually with industry partners and agencies, 如DC3, 柯林斯航空航天(ARINC), Broadcom和PowerTrain Inc.他也是AACC的信息安全主管. The advisory board examines and improves degree and certificate programs to ensure they are current and relevant to fulfill the growing demands of the cybersecurity and IT related industry sectors. The board members bring an array of technical and management skills and backgrounds that contribute to the development of programs, 引导学生在毕业后进入成功职业的课程和能力.


如果网络安全, 网络和数字取证听起来很吸引人, 但你想把它与其他AACC产品进行比较, 看看其中一个相关的研究!


网络GR&C助学金 退伍军人和急救人员的学费高达5000美元 谁想在网络安全领域开始自己的职业生涯. 

